Monday, August 25, 2014

NOW The Story CHANGES - Autistic Mom (Mom With Autism)'s Daughter Lying To Everyone Because She Wants To Inherit Gobs Of Money From Her GrandDad Who Owes Adult Autism Support To Her Mom

NOW the story CHANGES - Autistic Mom (Mom with an Autism diagnosis) managed to get a sheriff in Sonoma County, California to contact the disappeared daughter whose last words to her Mom were: 

"I have to go change a diaper, and I will call you right back. I love you Mom."

According to the sheriff, the daughter, Michelle DeWitt Morgan, my daughter (I am the Mom with Autism), suddenly decided with no explanation that she doesn't want to talk to me, she doesn't want contact with me, and she doesn't want me to know where she is. 

The daughter, Michelle Morgan, who is fully aware her Mom is diagnosed with Autism, and that Autism is a neuro-biological developmental condition, very recently revealed to have a high risk of being caused by unsafe vaccines, see, lied to the sheriff and told him her Mom's Autism was "some mental problems." 

Autism is not a mental disability. It is a neurological developmental disability with numerous physical manifestations, including gut issues, immune system issues, motor problems, vision and hearing issues and my Autism was diagnosed by a neurologist.  

Beyond, that, LETS EXAMINE THE MOTIVE for NOW why the daughter's story CHANGES ...

Autistic Mom (Mom with Autism)'s FATHER, like many parents of an Autistic child, AGREED and was adjudicated in his divorce to pay Autism adult child support -- a form of adult Autism funding that comes from the Autistic person's own family, rather than the government. 

This is important, because everyone who knows anything about Autism knows that when Autistic children "age out" of the public school system at age 18 or 21, the Autistic person and their family "falls of the cliff" of Autism funding, supports, and services, as the United States does not provide any realistic governmental adult Autism funding.

MEANWHILE, the daughter, Michelle Morgan and her husband have been having financial problems (according to the daughter, trouble paying rent, etc.) and their financial problems are compounded by their having had two children in a row, and the costs of raising children these days. 

In addition, the daughter, Michelle Morgan, has always had some fairly expensive tastes, that are a result of a "Grandparent visitation" bestowed by Autistic Mom (Mom with Autism)'s FATHER, who has given the daughter thousands of dollars like a money tree that rains down money from the Heavens, resulting in her having HIGH EXPECTATIONS when it comes to not being able to stop compulsively buying things.

ENTER the extremely frail condition of Autistic Mom (Mom with Autism's) FATHER and his advanced age, and everyone jockeying for position for the MONEY GRAB known as "inheritance" when the father passes away, and the daughter, Michelle Morgan's MOTIVE to lie, disappear, and conceal her whereabouts from her Autistic Mom becomes OBVIOUS. 

This is because the existing adult Autism funding programs in the United States set off an UNTHINKABLE COMPETITION FOR THE FATHER / GRANDDAD'S INHERITANCE MONEY between an adult with Autism who themselves are parents, and THEIR children (as well as their half-brothers and sisters). 


This Hellish situation brought down upon the Autistic adult, as in this instance of this Autism Mom (Mom with Autism), EXACERBATES THE SOCIAL ISOLATION ALREADY ENDEMIC to those with Autism. 

WHO IS ULTIMATELY TO BLAME ? The United States of America, for:

Causing Autism by mandating unsafe vaccines;

Thereafter, not paying a Vaccine Court award to EVERY Autistic person, child and adult alike to cover lifetime Autism funding costs;  
and/or, alternatively,

Not providing realistic amounts of adult Autism funding to each and every Autistic child and adult in the United States. 

THIS Family TRAVESTY is sure to happen to hundreds of thousands of Autism families as the United States of America's "falls off the cliff" lack of adult Autism funding:


results in one or more family members HARMING the Autistic family member (social isolation to an Autistic person, as well as the extreme emotional distress of causing the Autistic person to believe her daughter is not alive anymore), 

encourages deadbeat FATHERS or other child support obligor parents to skip out on their Autism child support payments, cross state lines to evade paying their Autism support obligations, until DEATH, 


ULTIMATELY passes the cost on an increased basis to each and every American when the AUTISM BILL COMES DUE. 

LEAVING IN ITS WAKE, damaged human beings - American's Autistic adults. 

For better or worse, this is AMERICA'S LEGACY. 

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