This is a blog post about the Autism Apartheid and Autism
abuse by the state of California that has crossed state lines into the state of
Georgia, and resides on St. Simons Island. I am talking about the California “family
law” courts that engaged in systematic Autism abuses of removing the biological
children of Autistic parents without any findings of parental “unfitness” to
give Autistic parent’s children to non-Autistic NeuroTypicals to raise as part of
the ethnic cleansing and wiping out of Autistic families and culture – no different
than the human rights violations the United States perpetrated on Native
American Indians and African Americans in its historical past.
Today, America is awakened to the FACT Autistic people are
dramatically increasing in population numbers, tend to engage in “assortative”
mating with our own kind, and have our own Autistic beliefs, language, and
culture. This is precisely what the “Core Curriculum,” “standardized testing,”
and American legal system built “by and for” non-Autistic peoples is designed
to eradicate. No different than eradicating Native American peoples or breeding
African American slaves and selling their children off to become the property of
It IS an Autism Apartheid, and it IS an oppressive and
offensive system that has no place in any enlightened civil society.
In my life, my peers and I who are Baby Boomers born during
the 1950s, were faced at every part of our lives with: ignorance about our
Autism, lack of early interventions or, indeed, any programs or services to
help us that way they exist today, forced “normalization,” extreme punishments
by almost everyone for our Autistic traits, language, and behaviors, American
courts bent on sterilizing us, and if we managed to escape that fate, then professional
licensing associations bent on making sure we are denied any way to earn a
living while our biological children were taken from us and given to others not
of our kind to raise.
All of this systematic Autism Apartheid and abuse to ENSURE
Autism be stopped dead in its tracks, eradicated, to stop Autism from “kidnapping” the
opportunities, jobs, and housing designed for non-Autistic peoples, and their “American
Dream” (that did NOT include Autism).
My father, Kenneth G. Day, was a Korean War veteran and
worked most his life for IBM, yet he could not escape the chemical effects
tainting his fathering of an Autistic child, me. My step-mother, Nancy Raines
Day, is a non-Autistic NeuroTypical, whose father, John Nelson Raines was “groomed
for perfect things” according to her testimony in the California “family law” “Child
Custody” evaluation she and my father paid to have performed in a “grandparent
visitation” lawsuit they brought against me in 1993 – after I had sole custody
of my only biological child for 15 years and had raised her according to my
Autistic ethnicity, language, culture, and beliefs. My step-mother, Nancy
Raines Day, is a famed “children’s book” author, who has published numerous “children’s
books” going to morality being taught to hundreds of children through her
books, see HERE:
During January 1992, my step-mother Nancy Raines Day sent my
father Kenneth G. Day to my home, unprovoked, to “take” my biological child without
my permission and they kept her for over 6 weeks. The Sonoma, California Police
Department wrote a police report recommending my father be charged with child
enticement, a form of child abduction, in violation of my California “family
law” court custody orders.
My pastor from the St. Francis Solano Catholic Church in
Sonoma, California recommended I go to my father and step-mother’s house, where
they had freely given me a key to walk in, and inform them I was taking my
daughter home. I am an adult with Autism, so I do not have the ability to know
when I am being told to go into a dangerous situation, and I cannot read social
language or body cues, but remain true to my immutable inherent Autistic nature
and follow the literal language of the instructions I was given by my pastor.
When I went to my father and step-mother’s home on the evening
of March 25, 1992, used my key, and walked in and told them I was there to take
my daughter home, both my father and step-mother immediately physically charged
at me in a very aggressive manner, and my step-mother, Nancy Raines Day,
grabbed my arm and held me for my father, Kenneth G. Day, to physically beat
and bash my head about 40 times into the walls of his house.
Because of my Autism and Autistic differences, my step-mother, Nancy Raines Day, had previously called me “the black sheep of the family” (invidious motive to harm). Nancy Raines Day is the “children’s book” author preaching her non-Autism morals to hundreds of American children, and I doubt she disclosed to her book publishers how she and my father tried to murder me that night simply because I am an Autistic adult – the same way so many other parents of Autistic children and adults have attempted or succeeded in murdering their Autistic children.
Because of my Autism and Autistic differences, my step-mother, Nancy Raines Day, had previously called me “the black sheep of the family” (invidious motive to harm). Nancy Raines Day is the “children’s book” author preaching her non-Autism morals to hundreds of American children, and I doubt she disclosed to her book publishers how she and my father tried to murder me that night simply because I am an Autistic adult – the same way so many other parents of Autistic children and adults have attempted or succeeded in murdering their Autistic children.
My father and step-mother, Nancy
Raines Day, who my husband calls “Ms. Children’s Book,” inflicted a significant
brain injury in me to the point (on the outside) there was a 4x4 cm contusion
on my head and appx. 1/3 of the hair on my head had been torn out by them.
But, as we continue to see across
the United States, the American legal system built “by and for” non-Autistic
peoples that is designed to eradicate all Autistic indigenous rights, was more
interested in the fact I, an Autistic woman, had been raising my own
biological child in Autistic ethnic, language, culture, and beliefs than the
FACT my father, Kenneth G. Day, and step-mother, Nancy Raines Day, attempted to
murder me (and almost succeeded) to “take” my biological daughter away from me
simply because of my Autism.
As soon as they had “taken” 5 days per week with my daughter away from me under the guise of a “grandparent visitation” under official court approval (after the beating of me), my father and step-mother “Ms. Children’s Book” immediately terminated my daughter from her private Catholic school, changed her religion, changed her friends, and basically eradicated and wiped out her Autistic indigenous inheritance.
As soon as they had “taken” 5 days per week with my daughter away from me under the guise of a “grandparent visitation” under official court approval (after the beating of me), my father and step-mother “Ms. Children’s Book” immediately terminated my daughter from her private Catholic school, changed her religion, changed her friends, and basically eradicated and wiped out her Autistic indigenous inheritance.
Today, we see many protests and
Autism organizations lobbying Congress to change these Autism Apartheid
atrocities. For example, the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (“ASAN”) has issued
a “Position Statement” regarding stopping the precisely the kind of Autism “family law” court
abuses I endured personally, see HERE:
“Family Law and Relationships
The Right to Have a Family
One of the most pervasive forms of discrimination against
people with disabilities has come from those who use stereotypes and faulty
science to deprive us of the right to have a family, to marry, and to raise
children on an equal basis with all other citizens. Although the eugenics movement
and the resulting involuntary sterilization of numerous people because of their
disabilities may be the most widely known example of the harm caused by such
attitudes, the closely related prejudice that those with disabilities are
inherently unfit as spouses or parents has caused many Autistics and others to
be deprived of parental rights and discriminated against in divorce and child
custody cases, based on stigma and stereotypes rather than evidence.
Opposing False Claims
In recent years, some psychologists and others have for
reasons of personal financial gain promoted false claims that Autistics are
unsuitable for family life and inevitably cause harm to romantic partners and
family members. These claims have no support whatsoever in the scientific
literature. In some relationship workshops based on these ideas, the
participants are encouraged to blame their Autistic partner for problems in the
relationship and to buy books, counseling sessions, and other products and services
that are presented as necessary to their emotional healing. These
ideas have led to attempts to influence social workers and family law courts to
remove custody of children from Autistic parents and to discriminate against
Autistic adults in other family law settings.
Ending Discrimination in
Child Custody
Because there are so many prejudiced ideas about disability
that affect family life and relationships, Autistic victims of domestic abuse
are likely to fear discrimination and the possible loss of their children if
they seek protection from the abuse. They may remain silent even when their
lives are in danger. Laws prohibiting discrimination in child
custody matters are needed, along with educational efforts to dispel unfounded
myths and prejudices. This will ensure that Autistic parents and other
parents with disabilities will not have to live with such fears.”
(emphasis added)
Beyond all else, it is even more
important to understand the long-term, life long impact such troubling and Dark
Autism hatred and thoughts as the California “family law” courts and my father and
step-mother, Nancy Raines Day” perpetrated on me as an Autistic adult
American – I am now treated to seeing almost weekly postings made by my biological daughter of
my two grand-daughters (one of whom looks like me and the other of whom looks
like my late mother) containing background effects showing that my father and step-mother
are now involved in raising my biological grandchildren to FINALLY eradicate
all Autistic indigenous ethnicity, language, culture, and beliefs and wipe out
the immutable inherent nature of an Autistic people.
I have not heard from my
biological daughter for over 1 ½ years, with the last time being a telephone
call in which she ended the call saying, “Mom, I’m getting a new phone and I’ll
call you tomorrow.”
I have never seen in-person or held my two
biological granddaughters, shown HERE:
I did not just lose my biological daughter BECAUSE I am an adult Autistic woman. I also lost my mother who committed suicide (on my father and step-mother's front lawn) over all of this when it happened in 1994, leaving me without ANY Autism supports. There is no better way to say: "Segregation."
I did not just lose my biological daughter BECAUSE I am an adult Autistic woman. I also lost my mother who committed suicide (on my father and step-mother's front lawn) over all of this when it happened in 1994, leaving me without ANY Autism supports. There is no better way to say: "Segregation."
What I have to say to this Country
is: People, you need to stop and THINK what you are doing to an entire, rapidly
growing underclass of Autistic American peoples who are DIFFERENT THAN YOU, but
have the same rights as everyone else – or SHOULD HAVE.
We Autistic people are ANGRY that
you non-Autistic NeuroTypicals are WIPING OUT our indigenous identity and
taking our own biological children and grandchildren away for purposes of
ethnic cleansing.
Your American legal system built “by
and for” non-Autistic peoples that is designed to eradicate Autistic indigeous
identity, differences, and equal rights is SHIT.
Your non-Autistic NeuroTypical
IDEAS about the worthlessness of Autistic life is SHIT.
We Autistics are people, too.
We Autistics are people, too.
If Martin Luther King, Jr. were
alive today, he would surely write from the Birmingham jail that it is TIME for
all Autistic Americans to make a 6 million person Autistic march on Washington,
D.C. holding signs demanding this Autism Apartheid STOP and Autistics be
accorded their God-given EQUAL RIGHTS.
My daughter, speaking from her ethnically cleansed point of view (voicing the words of non-Autistic Nancy Raines Day), told my husband it was “not productive” to bring up these human rights violations and atrocities on the Autistic indigenous identity of “the past.”
Yet, EVERY SINGLE DAY, these same
human rights violations and atrocities on the Autistic indigenous identity with NO REMEDY and NO REDRESS live on.
To those of you who find
yourselves shocked at this blogpost, maybe you need to wrap your minds around
the FACT millions of Autistic adults and Autistic child victims of your “Combating
Autism is NOT “going away.”
Autism is increasing rapidly, and it cannot be “aborted” nor can “designer
babies” stop Autism – Autism is caused by environmental factors and even a “designer
baby” will soon be epigenetically changed into an Autistic person.
Autism is increasing more than 80
% every two years in the state of Florida alone.
Before long, if the Autism
Apartheid oppression is not ended, Autism will eat up every state and federal
and private retirement pension in America.
Wrap your non-Autistic
NeuroTypical brains around THAT.
And, when you do, ASK YOURSELF if
you want to live in a divided society where YOU non-Autistic people have
created a deep dislike and opposition to EVERYTHING YOU STAND FOR held by a Massive
Autistic indigenous population.
Because, that’s where the society
you have created is headed.
For better or worse.
Can anyone say: Soweto, South Africa ? We have one in America today, and that's where all the Autistic people are supposed to go.
For the Autistic indigenous peoples, there IS no "American Dream." And there is NO EQUALITY.
Can anyone say: Soweto, South Africa ? We have one in America today, and that's where all the Autistic people are supposed to go.
For the Autistic indigenous peoples, there IS no "American Dream." And there is NO EQUALITY.
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