Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Letter I Sent To The FBI, Inspector General, and Congress Intelligence Committees Requesting FBI Amend Its Report, and FOIA Request On FBI

Here is the letter I just served on Mr. Raymond J. Beaudet, Asst. Inspector General for Audit, Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Dept. of Justice to Amend the Report to Congress, and my Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request on various components of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) regarding their Autism bullying civil rights violations. I also sent a copy of this letter to the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. I have omitted my letterhead from this post, but have posted the remainder of the letter below.

I will also keep the Autism community updated on this matter as I have personally witnessed and been informed that people and families with Autism who have been attempting to exercise our individual Autism civil rights have been targeted by the FBI to obstruct our civil rights and censor our First Amendment free speech on significant matters of concern to the Autism community and each one of us living with Autism, to further the apparent view of some people that they would like to have a Country in which people with Autism do not exist:


"July 19, 2011

Mr. Raymond J. Beaudet
Assistant Inspector General for Audit
Office of the Inspector General
United States Department of Justice
Suite 6100
1425 New York Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530

U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Hon. Mike Rogers, Chairman
Capitol Visitor Center HVC-304
US Capitol Building
Washington, DC 20515-6415

U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Hon. Diane Feinstein, Chairwoman
211 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Federal Bureau of Investigation
San Francisco and Santa Rosa components
450 Golden Gate Avenue, 13th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102-9523

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Los Angeles and Pasadena Components
11000 Wilshire, Suite 1700
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Tampa and Gainesville Components
5525 West Gray Street
Tampa, FL 90024

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Gainesville and Tallahassee Components
6061 Gate Parkway
Jacksonville, FL 32256

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Atlanta and St. Simons Island Area Components
2635 Century Parkway NE, Suite 400
Atlanta, GA 30345

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Detroit, Ann Arbor, and Jackson Area Components
477 Michigan Avenue, 26th Floor
Detroit, MI 48226

Federal Bureau of Investigation
601 4th Street NW
Washington, DC 20535
e-mail: washington.field@ic.fbi.gov


Dear Mr. Beaudet:

By way of brief introduction, my name is Mary Katherine Day-Petrano. I have autism.

I. Request Amendment to Your Response(s) To Inform Congress The FBI’s Terrorist Watch List Nomination Practices and FBI’s Use of Exigent Letters and Other Informal Requests for Telephone Records, Are Not Sec. 504 Compliant And Violate Civil Rights By Failure to Protect Autistic Americans Of The United States

I have thoroughly reviewed "The Federal Bureau of Investigation's Terrorist Watchlist Nomination Practices" (the Nomination Practices) submitted to you by Arthur M Cummings, Executive Assistant Director, National Security Branch, US Dept Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington DC, 20535-0001, on April 29, 2009.

In terms of the top challenges facing the Department of Justice (Department), including issues involving counterterrorism, improving information technology, effective grant management, and other important high-priority issues, the Nomination Practices fail to state whether they are Section 504 and otherwise civil rights complaint to protect the civil rights of people with Autism including myself, and fail to contain the required Section 504 self-evaluation as well as predicate, preliminary, threshold civil rights safeguards and a due process screening process to ensure the civil rights of people with Autism are not violated.

Additionally, it has come to my attention that the FBI’s Use of Exigent Letters and Other Informal Requests for Telephone Records likewise fail to state whether they are Section 504 and otherwise civil rights complaint to protect the civil rights of people with Autism including myself, and fail to contain the required Section 504 self-evaluation as well as predicate, preliminary, threshold civil rights safeguards and a due process screening process to ensure the civil rights of people with Autism are not violated.

In terms of FBI established criteria and quality controls to assist in the development of appropriate issuance of exigent letters, and sneek & peeks, in addition to your objective to “determine whether subjects of FBI terrorism investigations are appropriately and timely watchlisted and if these records are updated with new identifying information as required,” you know or should know from the medical literature about Autism and related conditions that can occur in with complex Autism developmental disabilities, we have an invidious, inherent different neurology that does not give us the cognition to pretend, deceive, or interpret any language other than the exact words used literally, or even the neurological Autism social initiation abilities required for a criminal actus reus absent an entrapment “prompting” cue.

The above-stated, most of us including myself, were functionally non-verbal in spoken and non-verbal language. Some of us, such as myself, have brain stem motor neuron disabilities including paralytic vaccine injuries. Many of us, including myself, have temporal lobe epilepsies, multi-sensory integration impairments, and severe sensory disabilities.

At least one state has made an effort to make it a felony for persons to handle people with Autism without a specific training certificate for Autism (Connecticut), and at least one state judge (New York) has stated his opinion that no judicial officer or other person can understand Autism disabilities if they lack specific Autism training. The lack of such training, whether it is a doctor, lawyer, judge, prosecutor, law enforcement officer, investigator, juror, or even a witness giving background information, pose an unconstitutionally high risk of misinterpreting and misunderstanding Autism and those of us who have it, such that false accusations or charges and even false statement to federal officers by witnesses may be made upon us simply as a consequence of the ignorance about what exactly is Autism. Moreover, the GSA has not made any of the federal courthouses communication, sensory, and physically accessible to people with complex Autism disabilities.

Further, it has been established in the medical literature that people with Autism require extensive supports and services to navigate almost every aspect of social structure, do not understand anything we are not explicitly taught through the Early Autism Interventions we are provided which depend on the window of early neuro-plasticity, cannot defend ourselves against others, and we are told to trust others and bond to those others who are rare and few with whom we interact such that any breach of this trust can cause neurological Autism regression and severe PTSD that Veteran’s Administration brain injury research demonstrates can cause metabolic syndrome and onset of dementias or Alzheimer’s disease.

As a result, the failure of: (1) The Federal Bureau of Investigation's Terrorist Watchlist Nomination Practices," (2) the FBI Guidelines for Domestic Operations, (3) the FBI’s Use of Exigent Letters and Other Informal Requests for Telephone Records, to demonstrate Sectioon 504 compliance and self-evaluation for Autism disabilities poses an unconstitutionally high risk of Torture, regressive neurological harm, and epigenetic damage specifically to people with complex Autism disabilities.

Given that the United States “created the danger” to Americans with Autism by failure to timely and fully fund the appx. $3.2 million Autism needs Harvard research findings state we require, provide the timely early Interventions we as individuals in the Autism population required as soon as Kanner identified Autism in 1943, and has compelled genetically susceptible Americans (mostly Jewish Caucasian genomes) to receive unsafe vaccinations without our informed consent causing vaccine injuries to many of us, there does not appear to be any legal justification for the Nomination Practices and all FBI Guidelines to fail to comply with Section 504 including having a predicate, preliminary, threshhold Autism disability civil rights screening process before they are applied to any person with complex Autism disabilities. Section 504 contains no National Security or law enforcement exception in its plain civil rights language, and the Supreme Court did specifically hold in Yeskey v. Pennsylvania Dept. of Corrections, 524 U.S. 206 (1998) and Goodman v. Georgia, 546 U.S. 151 (2006) that the disability civil rights laws do apply to all aspects of law enforcement activity.

In no small part, the Nomination Practices and all FBI Guidelines even lack an Autism bullying policy and enforcement mechanism to ensure Neuro-typical social cooperation gang bullying will not occur against vulnerable Americans with Autism disabilities as it has by Neuro-typical United States Attorneys peers who have bullied me because they do not want inclusion of Autism people amongst their own as Bar members, or (as in the case of e.g. Kyle F. Waldsinger, Esq.) are mis-using their office as a social favor to Autism bully on behalf of the agendas of their former employers.

Not only have my Autism and disability civil rights and Treaty rights been violated, but I am aware that others in the Autism community who attempt to exercise their civil rights and First Amendment speech and associational rights have also been unjustifiably attacked, bullied, and/or violated. In sum, civil rights hate crimes and egregious civil rights violations are being perpetrated upon Americans with Autism simply for exercising our civil rights.

As a result, I am asking you to amend your response to Congress regarding all prior communications by yourself, the FBI, and/or DOJ as described above to inform Congress "The Federal Bureau of Investigation's Terrorist Watchlist Nomination Practices and FBI’s Use of Exigent Letters and Other Informal Requests for Telephone Records, are not compliant with Section 504 and as a result they contain no safeguards to prevent the violation of civil rights of Americans with Autism.

II. Freedom Of Information Request – Expedited Processing

I am further making the below Freedom of Information Request (FOIA) request upon yourself and all components of the FBI and DOJ as a citizen blogger on Twitter and journalist to the Autism community and all people with Autism (http://equiisautististicsavant.blogspot.com/) to keep them informed of vital issues of public concern for which the out-of-control FBI hackings and Autism cyberbullying and other autism bullying need to immediately be brought to a halt, thus I am entitled to all such records free of charge and expedited processing of my FOIA request.

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 et seq., amended by OPEN Government Act of 2007, Pub. L. No. 110-175, 121 Stat. 2524, and the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552a, and corresponding regulations, 34 C.F.R. § 5.1 et seq. I request that a copy of all of the following documents in whatever files, documents, images, correspondence, telephone, Internet, and other writings, transmissions, electronically stored information, and/ or data and all other categories of information of whatever kind or form pertaining to the matters set forth below and / or records indexed to my name be sent to me by each of the herein-specified agencies and components. To help identify information about me in your record systems, I am providing the following required information: My current address is 11502 SE US Hwy 301, Hawthorne, FL 32640. I am a U.S. citizen by birth, born on April 16, 1056 in Jackson, MI. My Social Security # is 043-60-8286.

Because this request is being made by a blogger – tweeter – journalist – Autism & civil rights reporter who publishes newsworthy information at http://equiisautististicsavant.blogspot.com/ and on Twitter and various other Internet forums and blogs, I request that you waive all fees associated with this request, in accordance with 34 C.F.R. § 5.64. Disclosure of the requested information is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government concerning the Autism spectrum, people with Autism, Autism civil rights, and all matters related thereto including but not limited to why the United States is using its counterterrorism laws and criminal investigations to target people with Autism for exercising or attempting to exercise our civil rights with the objective to ensuring a World and Country in which no people with Autism exist within it.

Given that there is ‘no legitimate law enforcement interest’ in an unlawful civil rights and/or U.S. ratified Treaty violation against people with Autism including me, see Shotz v. City of Plantation, Fla., 344 F.3d 1161 (11th Cir. 2003), the materials requested cannot be withheld under Sec. 504 and 42 U.S.C. Sec. 12201(b) (expressly superceding “other federal laws”) language that impliedly or expressly amends, repeals, and/or supercedes FOIA exceptions, exemptions, state secrets, or National Security “pre-texts” that violate Autism and disability civil rights.
If you deny all or any part of this request, please (1.) cite each specific exemption you think justifies your refusal to release the information and notify me of appeal procedures available under the law; and (2.) provide a legal citation why 42 U.S.C. Sec. 12201(b) / Shotz v. City of Plantation, Fla., 344 F.3d 1161 (11th Cir. 2003) express amendment and/or repeal in whole or part of your claim to relay on FOIA exemptions is not superceded and over-ridden by the Sec. 12201(b) superceding by the ADA of “other federal laws” and/or implied repeal by Sec. 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, ratified human rights Treaties including but not limited to the Convention Against Torture, Genocide Convention, Geneva Conventions, and UN Charter, and/ or civil rights HATE CRIMES being asserted as not overriding any claimed exemptions by you.
Additionally, pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26 and Rules Regulating the Bar or Rules of Professional Conduct for your legal advisors licensing jurisdictions, for each and every item you dispute might be covered by such a defense to public production, pls. provide a privilege log of each and every item as I am claiming them all to be pre-texts under which yourself, FBI, DOJ, and others in concert with them have violate my Autism and disability civil rights.

FOIA Request:

All files, documents, images, correspondence, telephone, Internet, and other writings, transmissions, electronically stored information, and/ or data and all other categories of information of whatever kind or form including all medical, genetic, epigenetic, films, scans, or other diagnostic tests of whatever kind or form, including medical records about me with various components of the MK Ultra programs, and names, state of license, type of license, and license numbers for each medical or health care assessor, reviewer, and/or professional involving myself under any of my current of former names: Mary Katherine Day, Mary Day Snyder, Mary Katherine Day-Petrano, and any other name or alias under which you have me known.

All files, documents, images, correspondence, telephone, Internet, and other writings, transmissions, electronically stored information, and/ or data and all other categories of information of whatever kind or form including all medical, genetic, epigenetic, films, scans, or other diagnostic tests of whatever kind or form, including medical records about her with various components of the MK Ultra programs, and names, state of license, type of license, and license numbers for each medical or health care assessor, reviewer, and/or professional involving my deceased mother under any of her current of former names: Claire Ann Thrun, Claire Ann Day, Claire Thrun Day, and any other name or alias under which you have her known.

The official Bar membership names, state of Bar license, and Bar membership numbers of each and every and/or all legal counsel providing you advice or commentary regarding any of the information sought herein including the assessment and/or creation of it, including this request, and the specific Autism training they have received, by whom, type, and hours of such training.

Regarding "The Federal Bureau of Investigation's Terrorist Watchlist Nomination Practices" (the Nomination Practices) submitted to you by Arthur M Cummings, Executive Assistant Director, National Security Branch, US Dept Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington DC, 20535-0001, on April 29, 2009

Pls. provide all civil rights records and Sec. 504 evaluations and other data in whatever form including but not limited to how "The Federal Bureau of Investigation's Terrorist Watchlist Nomination Practices" complies in all aspects with the Convention Against Torture and Genocide Convention pertaining to discrimination, retaliation, bullying, Autism civil rights hate crimes, and injuries being caused to vulnerable people with Autism, and legal cause for why it is not pre-empted, superceded, amended, or repealed by those civil and human rights treaty laws.


1. Pls. provide all civil rights records and Sec. 504 evaluations and other data in whatever form including but not limited to how the authorization of the Attorney General as provided in sections 509, 510, and 533 of title 28, United States Code to create FBI guidelines complies in all aspects with the Convention Against Torture and Genocide Convention pertaining to discrimination, perpetuating the discrimination of others, retaliation, bullying, Autism civil rights hate crimes, and injuries being caused to vulnerable people with Autism, and legal cause for why it is not pre-empted, superceded, amended, or repealed by those civil and human rights treaty laws.

2. Pls. provide all civil rights records and Sec. 504 evaluations and other data in whatever form to demonstrate the guideline II.B. Undercover Operation, “A contact is "substantive" if it is a communication with another person, whether by oral, written, wire, or electronic means, which includes information of investigative interest” and “In the context of online communications, such as e-mail and Internet Relay Chat (IRC), multiple transmissions or e-mail messages can constitute one contact, much like a series of verbal exchanges can comprise a single conversation” are fully compliant for complex Autism disabilities language, communication, social interaction, theory of mind developmental disabilities, and use of AAC Internet computer communication disabilities devices by people with Autism;

3. Pls. provide all civil rights records and Sec. 504 evaluations and other data in whatever form to demonstrate that each and every and all persons, parties, and entities described in guideline II.C-F, and the last paragraph of III, Undercover Review Committees, and all persons and entities specified in IV, V, and VI in all sections and subsections have been provided specific Autism training including of sufficient extensiveness and depth to fully understand the neurological, biological, genetic, and epigenetic complexities of people with Autism;

4. Pls. provide all civil rights records and Sec. 504 evaluations and other data in whatever form pertaining to IV.A.1-5 and IV.C.2.h-o as applied to the following civil rights violations against my Autism:

(1.) FBI attack intended to kill or maim my medically prescribed Autism disability therapy service horse that left him maimed and crippled to deprive me of the medical therapy I use to treat my Autism and brain neurological conditions, as I was informed FBI did by Krissy Rodriguez;
(2.) Blocking Autism access to the Vaccine Court to file a claim for Vaccine injury;
(3.) Blocking Autism access to numerous state and federal Courts and agencies and bar examiners in Florida and California to block the First Amendment Autism and disability civil rights filing of claims and/or lawsuits for injuries and civil rights access;
(4.) Planting a male with a fake medical license instructed to attempt to kiss me to obtain my brain scans and other private confidential brain scans, genetic, and medical information, placing my DNA in a law enforcement database even though I have never been arrested or convicted of any crime, causing medical malpractice by the failure to timely treat my cascading traumatic brain injury resulting from a January 05, 2008 car accident, leaving me abandoned without any access to any medical care, and interfering with and attempting to destroy my marriage;
(5.) Blocking timely Autism access and vulnerable Autism disabled adult payment of 1-3 types of Social Security disability benefits, Nationwide Insurance Company uninsured motorist benefits, and other Autism, disability, personal injury, and income and/or business or employment income supports;
(6.) Breaking and entering my locked vehicle, theft of my Florida driver’s license, and alteration of my Florida Dept. of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Class E operator’s license to false omit my prior California driver’s license state of issue and falsify the official Florida records to state I only had a Learner’s Permit;
(7.) Cutting my Autism disability therapy service horse girth at the elastic end to attempt to cause bodily injury or death to me as a vulnerable disabled Autistic adult when I tried to ride my medically prescribed Autism disability therapy horse;
(8.) Breaking and entering my Alachua County, Florida horse farm property twice to inject my medically prescribed Autism disability therapy horse with drugs followed by hitting him with high-pitched sounds from off my property to cause him to trample me and kick me in the head three times with partially shod hooves to cause me bodily injury or death knowing I am a vulnerable disabled Autistic adult;
(9.) CIPAV’ing and destroying between one and three of my medically prescribed AAC Autism Internet communication computers to prevent my ability to communicate due to the markedly limited verbal abilities inherent in my Autism;
(10.) Cyberbullying me on Facebook and Twitter and numerous other Internet blogs under my name and/or various internet pen name IDs I have used (“CellosPride,” “CP,” “YogiBear,” “EquiisSavant,” “EquiisAutisticSavant” and/or others, including but not limited to at Internet Chronicle of the Horse Bulletin Boards, ezboard.com (horse forums including but not limited to “AnnTM” and “Towanda” threads posted at http://p.218.ezboard.com/fthetackroom17816frm14.showMessageRange?topicID-43.topic&start=61&stop=80 and elsewhere within those forums where posters stated they were obstructing my California and Florida bar admissions, California and Florida civil rights lawsuits and other lawsuits raising my disabilities, enforcement of all DOJ civil rights complaints I filed and want to file and similar complaints at all other federal agencies, blog-hopping on the Internet to stalk me, and intent to cross state lines to pose physical threats to myself, my family, and my medically prescribed Autism disability service therapy horse), at Volokh.com, Patterico.com, Topix, Craigslist, and others, making threats to murder me, giving MK Ultra directives to try to make me commit suicide such as e.g. ‘Why don’t you just kill yourself’ with posts depicting humans and other objects burning in flames, sexually harassing me, intimidating me by hacking on my Facebook pg. that ‘the President gave her a death sentence on a CIA assassination list’ solely for exercising my Autism civil rights, conducting medical experimentation treatments without my informed consent using Optogenetics (lights, colors, and/or pulsating colored lights) to manipulate my inhibitory and excitatory neurons and temporal lobe epilepsy, interfering in my Autism livelihood horse and art businesses knowing Social Security Administration directed me to work as a horse trainer; hacking business contact’s and friend’s IDs on Facebook to destroy my Early Autism Interventions in the form of explicit training to be a professional horse trainer, interfere with my horse training and sales horses purchased with personal bodily injury funds intended to provide profit to pay for my Autism supports, services, and medical and other special needs;
(11.)Breaking and entering my Alachua County, Florida horse farm property to lynch my Autism service dog;
(12.) Interfering with and destroying my family relationships with my daughter and granddaughter;
(13.) Forging my informed consent(s) at University of South Florida, hacking me through USF’s web portal for appx. the two years following Michael W. Hoffmann, M.D.’s abandonment of me as a patient, and use of my medical information with USF to place me into a Worldwide consortium of research Universities and entities for medical experimentation on my Autism and savant syndromes without my informed consent;
(14.) Falsely imprisoning me in my room at the Clearwater Day’s Inn by blocking my door, and threats of intimidation, coercion, and arrest;
(15.) Hacking and interfering with my Autism access to the Internet;
(16.) Interfering with farm after farm where I attempted to board my medically prescribed Autism disability service therapy horse to cause them to make me leave, as I was informed FBI did by Deborah Barnhart;
(17.) Engaging in concerted acts of retaliation by bringing Hon. James Whittemore to stalk me to the Clearwater Mall Panera’s Bread restaurant in retaliation for my filing a Titles II & III Americans With Disabilities Act and Sec. 504 discrimination complaint against his Court Report Linda Starr with the National court Reporter’s Assn. for refusal to provide me Autism language access accommodations at a Court hearing on about May 24, 2006 where FBI agents appeared in numbers in the Courtroom and I was punished directly for my complex Autism disabilities status in retaliation for asking for Autism access accommodations;
(18.) Interfering with Attorney-Client Privilege by placing me as law clerk carrying out my Autism employment duties on the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Terrorist Watchlist for having gone on a website to ensure the represented client did not post a communication from a Sixth Judicial Circuit of Florida Judge-Defendant publicly, at the request of the Judge-Defendant;
(19.) Blocking my employment application for a White House Fellow position as a person with Autism and obstructing my efforts to obtain employment with numerous other employers on and off the Internet;
(20.) Interfering with my mortgage, zoning, and property tax exemptions, neighbors, and others in the physical areas surrounding my home, breaking locks on my gated property, installing video cameras into my home and showing them to federal prisoners to mock my Autism during sexual relations with my husband among other Autism bullying harassment, and hacking my blackberry cell phone with a pop-up window to attempt to involuntarily force me against my will as the only option to call for help from the barn to my husband in our home to call “Afghanistan” thereby preventing me from using my cell phone for emergencies related to my Autism personal safety;
(21.) Doing all of the above solely to retaliate against me as an Autistic American for exercising and attempting to exercise my Autism and disability civil rights, as I was informed by hacker informants on my Facebook page that these acts against me constitute “retaliation” and that the FBI was attempting to bring “False accusations” or charges against me solely as a civil rights retaliation of my Autism.

5. Pls. provide all civil rights records and Sec. 504 evaluations and other data in whatever form including but not limited to compliance with the Convention Against Torture and Genocide Convention pertaining to IV.E. & 1-2 for injuries being caused to vulnerable people with Autism, their medical care, Autism therapies, and Autism income and other supports, services, and carers.

6. Pls. provide all civil rights records and Sec. 504 evaluations and other data in whatever form including but not limited to how IV.H and VI.A comply in their entirety, for each and every section and subsection, and in all aspects with the Convention Against Torture and Genocide Convention pertaining to injuries being caused to vulnerable people with Autism, their medical care, Autism therapies, and Autism income and other supports, services, and carers.

7. Pls. provide all civil rights records and Sec. 504 evaluations and other data in whatever form including but not limited to how V.A and VI.A comply in their entirety and in all aspects with the Convention Against Torture and Genocide Convention pertaining to injuries being caused to vulnerable people with Autism by cutting off timely access and receipt of all of their medical care, Autism therapies, and Autism income and other disability and Autism supports, services, and carers necessary to meet the appx. $3.2 million Autism necessity cost over a person with Autism’s lifetime and using those acts of deprivation of Autism necessity needs funding to entrap the person to commit any type of crime whatsoever including but not limited to financial crimes.

8. Pls. provide all civil rights records and Sec. 504 evaluations and other data in whatever form including but not limited to how VII complies in all aspects with the Convention Against Torture and Genocide Convention pertaining to discrimination, retaliation, bullying, Autism civil rights hate crimes, and injuries being caused to vulnerable people with Autism, and legal cause for why it is not pre-empted, superceded, amended, or repealed by those civil and human rights treaty laws.


1. Pls. provide all civil rights records and Sec. 504 evaluations and other data in whatever form including but not limited to how the authorization of the Attorney General as provided in sections 509,510,533, and 534 of title 28, United States Code, and Executive Order 12333 to create FBI guidelines complies in all aspects with the Convention Against Torture and Genocide Convention pertaining to discrimination, perpetuating the discrimination of others, retaliation, bullying, Autism civil rights hate crimes, and injuries being caused to vulnerable people with Autism, and legal cause for why it is not pre-empted, superceded, amended, or repealed by those civil and human rights treaty laws.

2. Pls. provide all civil rights records and Sec. 504 evaluations and other data in whatever form to demonstrate that each and every and all persons, parties, and entities described in guidelines including but not limited to the Justice Department's National Security Division, the FBI's Inspection Division, Office of General Counsel, and Office of Integrity and Compliance, along with other components, the National Security Division's Oversight Section, the FBI's Office of General Counsel, the United States Attorney's Office and Professional Responsibility Advisory Office, and all states’ Fusion Centers have been provided specific Autism training including of sufficient extensiveness and depth to fully understand the neurological, biological, genetic, and epigenetic complexities of people with Autism;

3. Pls. provide all civil rights records and Sec. 504 evaluations and other data in whatever form including but not limited to how I.A-D, II & II.A-C, III., IV., V.A-C, VI. A-D, VII., and all sections and subsections thereunder comply in their entirety, for each and every section and subsection, and in all aspects with the Convention Against Torture and Genocide Convention pertaining to injuries being caused to vulnerable people with Autism, their medical care, Autism therapies, and Autism income and other supports, services, and carers. With respect to the “proactive” language in those sections and subsections pls. provide all Sec. 504 compliance records that legally justify speculation and conjecture against Americans with complex Autism disabilities in violation of the “direct threat” specific and objective test established for Sec. 504 compliance under School Bd. of Nassau County v. Arline, 480 U.S. 273 (1987), and how the proactive authorizations are barred when the disabled Autistic Americans does not pose a “direct threat” under the Sec. 504 Nassau County School Bd. civil rights test.

4. Pls. provide all civil rights records and Sec. 504 evaluations and other data in whatever form pertaining the above-described FBI Guidelines as applied to the following civil rights violations against my Autism:

(1.) FBI attack intended to kill or maim my medically prescribed Autism disability therapy service horse that left him maimed and crippled to deprive me of the medical therapy I use to treat my Autism and brain neurological conditions, as I was informed FBI did by Krissy Rodriguez;
(2.) Blocking Autism access to the Vaccine Court to file a claim for Vaccine injury;
(3.) Blocking Autism access to numerous state and federal Courts and agencies and bar examiners in Florida and California to block the First Amendment Autism and disability civil rights filing of claims and/or lawsuits for injuries and civil rights access;
(4.) Planting a male with a fake medical license instructed to attempt to kiss me to obtain my brain scans and other private confidential brain scans, genetic, and medical information, placing my DNA in a law enforcement database even though I have never been arrested or convicted of any crime, causing medical malpractice by the failure to timely treat my cascading traumatic brain injury resulting from a January 05, 2008 car accident, leaving me abandoned without any access to any medical care, and interfering with and attempting to destroy my marriage;
(5.) Blocking timely Autism access and vulnerable Autism disabled adult payment of 1-3 types of Social Security disability benefits, Nationwide Insurance Company uninsured motorist benefits, and other Autism, disability, personal injury, and income and/or business or employment income supports;
(6.) Breaking and entering my locked vehicle, theft of my Florida driver’s license, and alteration of my Florida Dept. of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Class E operator’s license to false omit my prior California driver’s license state of issue and falsify the official Florida records to state I only had a Learner’s Permit;
(7.) Cutting my Autism disability therapy service horse girth at the elastic end to attempt to cause bodily injury or death to me as a vulnerable disabled Autistic adult when I tried to ride my medically prescribed Autism disability therapy horse;
(8.) Breaking and entering my Alachua County, Florida horse farm property twice to inject my medically prescribed Autism disability therapy horse with drugs followed by hitting him with high-pitched sounds from off my property to cause him to trample me and kick me in the head three times with partially shod hooves to cause me bodily injury or death knowing I am a vulnerable disabled Autistic adult;
(9.) CIPAV’ing and destroying between one and three of my medically prescribed AAC Autism Internet communication computers to prevent my ability to communicate due to the markedly limited verbal abilities inherent in my Autism;
(10.) Cyberbullying me on Facebook and Twitter and numerous other Internet blogs under my name and/or various internet pen name IDs I have used (“CellosPride,” “CP,” “YogiBear,” “EquiisSavant,” “EquiisAutisticSavant” and/or others, including but not limited to at Internet Chronicle of the Horse Bulletin Boards, ezboard.com (horse forums including but not limited to “AnnTM” and “Towanda” threads posted at http://p.218.ezboard.com/fthetackroom17816frm14.showMessageRange?topicID-43.topic&start=61&stop=80 and elsewhere within those forums where posters stated they were obstructing my California and Florida bar admissions, California and Florida civil rights lawsuits and other lawsuits raising my disabilities, enforcement of all DOJ civil rights complaints I filed and want to file and similar complaints at all other federal agencies, blog-hopping on the Internet to stalk me, and intent to cross state lines to pose physical threats to myself, my family, and my medically prescribed Autism disability service therapy horse), at Volokh.com, Patterico.com, Topix, Craigslist, and others, making threats to murder me, giving MK Ultra directives to try to make me commit suicide such as e.g. ‘Why don’t you just kill yourself’ with posts depicting humans and other objects burning in flames, sexually harassing me, intimidating me by hacking on my Facebook pg. that ‘the President gave her a death sentence on a CIA assassination list’ solely for exercising my Autism civil rights, conducting medical experimentation treatments without my informed consent using Optogenetics (lights, colors, and/or pulsating colored lights) to manipulate my inhibitory and excitatory neurons and temporal lobe epilepsy, interfering in my Autism livelihood horse and art businesses knowing Social Security Administration directed me to work as a horse trainer; hacking business contact’s and friend’s IDs on Facebook to destroy my Early Autism Interventions in the form of explicit training to be a professional horse trainer, interfere with my horse training and sales horses purchased with personal bodily injury funds intended to provide profit to pay for my Autism supports, services, and medical and other special needs;
(11.) Breaking and entering my Alachua County, Florida horse farm property to lynch my Autism service dog;
(12.) Interfering with and destroying my family relationships with my daughter and granddaughter;
(13.) Forging my informed consent(s) at University of South Florida, hacking me through USF’s web portal for appx. the two years following Michael W. Hoffmann, M.D.’s abandonment of me as a patient, and use of my medical information with USF to place me into a Worldwide consortium of research Universities and entities for medical experimentation on my Autism and savant syndromes without my informed consent;
(14.) Falsely imprisoning me in my room at the Clearwater Day’s Inn by blocking my door, and threats of intimidation, coercion, and arrest;
(15.) Hacking and interfering with my Autism access to the Internet;
(16.) Interfering with farm after farm where I attempted to board my medically prescribed Autism disability service therapy horse to cause them to make me leave, as I was informed FBI did by Deborah Barnhart;
(17.) Engaging in concerted acts of retaliation by bringing Hon. James Whittemore to stalk me to the Clearwater Mall Panera’s Bread restaurant in retaliation for my filing a Titles II & III Americans With Disabilities Act and Sec. 504 discrimination complaint against him under 28 U.S.C. Section 372 Judicial Misconduct procedures and also against his Court Report Linda Starr with the National court Reporter’s Assn. for refusal to provide me Autism language access accommodations at a Court hearing on about May 24, 2006 where FBI agents appeared in numbers in the Courtroom and I was punished directly for my complex Autism disabilities status in retaliation for asking for Autism access accommodations;
(18.) Interfering with Attorney-Client Privilege by placing me as law clerk carrying out my Autism employment duties on the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Terrorist Watchlist for having gone on a website to ensure the represented client did not post a communication from a Sixth Judicial Circuit of Florida Judge-Defendant publicly, at the request of the Judge-Defendant;
(19.) Blocking my employment application for a White House Fellow position as a person with Autism and obstructing my efforts to obtain employment with numerous other employers on and off the Internet;
(20.) Interfering with my mortgage, zoning, and property tax exemptions, neighbors, and others in the physical areas surrounding my home, breaking locks on my gated property, installing video cameras into my home and showing them to federal prisoners to mock my Autism during sexual relations with my husband among other Autism bullying harassment, and hacking my blackberry cell phone with a pop-up window to attempt to involuntarily force me against my will as the only option to call for help from the barn to my husband in our home to call “Afghanistan” thereby preventing me from using my cell phone for emergencies related to my Autism personal safety;
(21.) Doing all of the above solely to retaliate against me as an Autistic American for exercising and attempting to exercise my Autism and disability civil rights, as I was informed by hacker informants on my Facebook page that these acts against me constitute “retaliation” and that the FBI was attempting to bring “False accusations” or charges against me solely as a civil rights retaliation of my Autism.

5. Pls. provide all civil rights records and Section 504 evaluations and other data in whatever form including but not limited to how the FBI Guidelines comply in their entirety and in all aspects with the Convention Against Torture and Genocide Convention pertaining to injuries being caused to vulnerable people with Autism by cutting off timely access and receipt of all of their medical care, Autism therapies, and Autism income and other disability and Autism supports, services, and carers necessary to meet the appx. $3.2 million Autism necessity cost over a person with Autism’s lifetime and using those acts of deprivation of Autism necessity needs funding to entrap the person to commit any type of crime whatsoever including but not limited to financial crimes, and the funding the FBI and United States has set aside to pay money damages for all such injuries and losses to persons with Autism whose Autism and disability civil rights and Treaty rights are violated.


As you are aware, the acts committed against me above give me the legal right to sue those who have violated my Autism and disability civil rights and Treaty rights based on Bivens, Federal Tort Claims Act, Section 504, and/or other civil rights laws.

Additionally, I am claiming entitlement to expedited processing because the lack of expedited treatment could reasonably be expected to pose a threat to my life or physical safety; I will suffer the loss of substantial due process rights and thus expedition is appropriate; I am a person primarily engaged in disseminating information to the public under various Internet pen names including but not limited to my own name and EquiisSavant and EquiisAutisticSavant and EquiisAutisticSavantArtist and the information is urgently needed to inform the public concerning some actual or alleged federal government activity; and, finally, expedition is appropriate because the subject of Autism and all matters pertaining thereto is of widespread and exceptional media interest and the information sought involves possible questions about the government's integrity which affect public confidence.

I anticipate hearing from you within 10 working days (34 C.F.R. § 5.51(d)). Thank you for your attention to this matter.

This is notice that for each and every item you unjustifiably withhold under a “pre-text,” I intend to seek to raise a spoliation of evidence claim under Florida law and Fed. R. Civ. P. 26 and seek to impose the spoliation evidentiary presumptions against those who have committed these civil rights violations against me.

I am publishing this Letter to Amend your Response To Congress and FOIA Request on my Autism blog to inform the Autism community of these significant matters of public concern, as well as providing a copy of it to Congress Intelligence Committees. I may also share on my Autism blog your response and the records you produce, including any refusal to cooperate with “transparency” in the FBI’s targeting of persons with severe Autism disabilities for civil rights violations by the pre-textual use (mis-use) of United States counter-terrorism laws and criminal investigations.

I declare under penalty of perjury pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 1746 that I am authorizing you to release all information concerning and/or indexed to me under any of my names as above-mentioned / and/or involving in any way my doctor – patient relationships directly to me as a pro se person holding a Juris Doctorate degree and having passed the California Bar Examination, and I am additionally authorizing you to release all information concerning and/or indexed to my deceased mother, Claire Ann Day and/or Claire Ann Thrun and/or any other alias name under which she is known to you as her only sole heir known to me and her, specified as beneficiary in her last California holographic will, who is under that will her personal representative of her (as-yet unprobated) will and estate.

I also declare that as I was writing this request to report to Congress, my AAC Autism Internet computer was heavily hacked, obstructed my ability to write this request to report, and I was also obstructed specifically from viewing the FBI FOIA components list on the FBI Internet website.

Mary Katherine Day-Petrano"

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