Mary Katherine Day-Petrano
11502 SE US Hwy 301
Hawthorne, Florida 32640
Cell (727) 808-0446 (my husband)
Office of United
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Human Rights Council Branch-Complaint Procedure Unit
OHCHR- Palais Wilson
United Nations Office at Geneva
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Fax: (41 22) 917 90 11
Human Rights Council Branch-Complaint Procedure Unit
OHCHR- Palais Wilson
United Nations Office at Geneva
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Fax: (41 22) 917 90 11
October 4, 2012
I have
Autism. I don’t know how to state my Complaint like others can. So I am going
to say it the only way I can communicate. I have severe Autism and brain
injuries. When someone tells another that a person has Autism, it is informing
that other person that the Autistic person may have extreme problems
communicating our needs.
If I need
to provide more details, I am asking for the assignment of someone trained in
Autism to help and assist me to state my complaint so I can access the ability
to communicate as required by the rules that apply. I can only communicate
electronically and in this shade of colors, and I have an extremely difficult
time being able to communicate in more than 140 character blocks of text. This
is due to my Autism and brain injuries.
United States under the current Government and the Governments heretofore
existing, have been carrying out a systematic torture and genocide upon the
adult Autism population in the United States. This is what numerous state
actors have done to me personally:
They have refused to
specifically train ALL government officials in all branches of the United
States government and state government in Autism, and especially how it affects
adult women with Autism, and as a consequence;
The government of the
United States has left me as a severely Autistic brain injured person with no
financial or other means to pay for food, shelter, and medical care I require
to sustain my life for over 55 years – I have been left with a broken finger,
severely deformed crippled foot, and severe brain injury with NO access to ANY
medical care and judicial and executive officers of the United states refuse to
assist me to get this access or to help me stay in my home where I am safe from
The government of the
United States has denied and continues to deny me all access to the disability
benefits I need to stay in my home, for supports and services to my Autism and
brain injuries, continues to dismiss all petitions I try to make for help,
refuses to appoint anyone to assist and help me, and has essentially sentenced
me to starve and die because I am Autistic.
When I try to complaint
and assert my civil and human rights under the protection of Treaties the
United States has already become signatory to and ratified (ICCPR, CAT,
Convention against Genocide), various government actors retaliate against me
and subsequently many of them become promoted in their careers.
I have repeatedly asked
the United States Attorney General for help enforcing my rights. No one will
help me. They do not even seems to understand what Autism is.
I am not alone – there are
approximately 3.5 million adults with Autism in the United States suffering
like me.
My Country caused my
vaccine injuries when I was about 15 months of age, and brought me to
full-blown Autism. My government has refused to provide any means accessible to
adults with Autism to directly be provided with compensation, funding, medical
care, and to be able to stay in our homes and live in freedom in response to
causing these injuries. I was genetically susceptible to vaccine injuries due
to my Jewish ancestry.
My Autism and brain
injuries are lifelong severe disabilities. I am not stupid, but I also cannot
effectively communicate with anyone unless they change the way they are
communicating with and providing access to adults with severe Autism and brain
injuries throughout the United states and state governments, and most
especially the United States Courts where the judicial officers are trained
only to carry out severe punishment upon adults with Autism, deny us access,
take away all of our needs, try to lock us up for no other reason than being
Autistic, and sentence us to death – and I do not know what I ever did wrong to
be mistreated this way and subject to torture, cruel, inhumane, and degrading
treatment, or systematically swept into the genocide the United States is
trying to commit upon the Autistic people.
I am aware the various human rights
treaties the United States has signed and/or ratified mandate they provide me
the funding, health care, governmental and court access, and someone to assist
me that I need.
I am asking for a United Nation’s
human rights investigation to be opened against the United States, State of
Florida, and County of Alachua for violation of my human rights and appoint
someone to oversee those violations of millions of other adults with Autism,
and if these state actors continue in their violations, then I am asking the
United Nations to deny all cooperation and relief to the United states and take
sanctions and other measures against them.
Adults with Autism have every right to
live in freedom with the supports and services we need to sustain our lives,
and not be tortured or otherwise subject to genocide by our Country and state
actors within it.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Katherine Day-Petrano